
estate planning attorney

Why Do I Need A Guardianship?

Cleveland, Ohio, Estate Planning and elder law attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers the following information on creating a Children’s Testamentary Trust for your loved ones. Is it the best option for you when creating your estate plan?

Most people understand and realize that they should name a Legal Guardian for their minor children. However, many people don’t take the necessary step further to consider the financial aspects of guardianship after a parent passes away. Creating a testamentary trust can alleviate this worry and for the most part is inexpensive to create.

Consider Establishing a Children’s Trust

Establishing a Children’s Trust, aka a Testamentary Trust, in your will, now creates a way for you to take care of your minor children after you have passed away. By naming a Trustee to oversee the trust allows them to take care of your children’s financial needs for everyday living and any health issues which may arise, as well as their future education needs.

What happens to your property should you pass and have minor children?

Unless specifically noted otherwise in your will, when you pass and your children are of legal age, they will automatically inherit all your property. But what happens if your children are minors?  When a Children’s Trust is established you can appoint a Trustee, or ‘Property Manager’ to oversee the property to make certain your minor children have a place to live and are cared for.  In the absence of a Property Manager being named, the courts will appoint a Property Custodian.  Depending on your individual circumstances, you may want to consider creating a Life Estate.

Should I create a trust for each of my minor children?

Upon your passing any children of legal age will automatically inherit your assets unless otherwise specified in your will. Let’s assume you have minor children, then it would be wise to set up a trust for each child and name a trustee to oversee the trust to make certain that the funds and property are used for the child’s needs and in their best interest.

If you do not wish to establish a trust for each child, consider a revocable living Trust or  Family Trust.  The Trustee(s) would handle this single trust in the same manner as if you were to set up individual trusts for each child.

When creating your Comprehensive Estate Plan you need to speak with an experienced Estate Planning lawyer. Contact Daniel A. Baron or Baron Law today at 216-573-3723 to answer any questions you may have on a creating a Children’s Trust.  I welcome the opportunity to work with you and help recommend the best solution for your needs.

Helping You and Your Loved Ones Plan for the Future

Veteran Benefits

Long Term Care – What Is Available To Veterans

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on Long Term Care assistance for those who have served in our military and including this as part of your Estate Planning:

Cleveland Estate Planning Attorney

For those of you who have served in any of our armed forces, Thank You! Because of your bravery and sacrifice, we still enjoy the many freedoms we have in this country and you make us all proud to be Americans.

Should you, as a veteran require Long Term Care and you have a service related disability, the Department of Veterans Affairs pays for your Long Term Care and for certain other eligible veterans, you may also be entitled to additional health programs as well:

  • At home care for aging veterans with Long Term needs
  • Nursing home care

In order for veterans to stay in their homes and be more comfortable there are other programs as well.

A program that was developed in 2009 which provides veterans with a Flexible Budget in which to purchase services is a Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services Program or     VD-HCBS as it is also known by. These are services available through the Aging Network in conjunction with the Veterans Affairs

Homebound Aid and Attendence – a cash allowance is provided to veterans with disabilities and their surviving spouses to purchase community based long-term services such as homemaker services and personal care assistance as well as to purchase a home. Eligible Veterans receive this as a supplement to pension benefits.

Estate Planning Attorney

For more information on reviewing your goals for Long Term Care, what is available for our Veteran’s and incorporating this into your Estate Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law at 216-573-3799.

Cleveland Elder Care Lawyer

When is a Legal Guardianship Necessary for my Parents?

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on when it becomes necessary to change legal guardianship for your elderly loved one:

Cleveland, Ohio attorney

Legal Guardianship is used when a person is unable to make or make sound decisions about themselves personally or their property. These same persons can likely be or already have been a victim of fraud or undue influence.  Although a guardianship may limit a person’s rights considerably, establishing a guardianship should be used after other actions have failed or are no longer available.

In the event a legal guardianship may not be totally necessary there are some alternatives you may want to consider that will still protect your loved one:

Some rights of the elderly which may be affected once a guardianship is put into place:

  • Medical treatment consent
  • Making End of Life Decisions
  • Voting
  • Enter into a contract
  • Possess a driver’s license
  • Selling Property

It is always best if the guardian consults with the individual to make any decisions that affect that person if they are still able to make sound rational decisions. However sometimes, the guardian must make the decisions themselves if your loved one is no longer able to participate.  The guardian should always take into consideration the individuals wishes if they are known.

Let’s start the conversation about when is the best time to consider establishing legal guardianship for your loved one. For more information on reviewing your goals for Long Term Care as part of your Estate Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law today at 216-573-3723.

cleveland, ohio attorney

When Should You Start Planning For Long Term Care?

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on when you should start planning for Long Term Care and including this as part of your Estate Planning:


When should you start planning for Long Term Care? If you are under 50, the answer is – “there is no time like the present”.  Approximately 70% of today’s population will need some sort of Long Term Care sometime within their lifetime.

What you should know about planning for the future

When in later years and you are in need of skilled services or should you require rehabilitation services, Medicare pays for this type of long term care. Unfortunately, Medicare does not pay for any non-skilled assistance with your ADL’s (Activities of Daily Life) or IADL’s (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) which tend to make up the majority of Long Term Care.

You should start thinking now about how you are going to pay for Long Term Care as it is much more expensive than you might think.

There are a number of ways you can use to pay for your long term care. Being 50 of under, this may be the best time in your life financially to start planning for long term care, rather than after you have had a serious illness or become disabled.

You may also consider securing an Advance Directive which informs your family and other loved ones how you would like your medical matters handles, should you become incapacitated and are no longer able to communicate your wishes of your medical care.

For more information on reviewing your goals for Long Term Care as part of your Estate Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law today at 216-573-3723.

AN AB Trust – What are the benefits for your estate?

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on an AB Trust and the benefits realized from including this as part of your Tax and Estate Planning:

For Tax and Estate Planning purposes, as a married couple, maximize the use of your Federal Estate Tax Exemptions through the utilization of an AB Trust.

There are two vehicles available in which to set up an AB Trust

  • Living Will and Last Testament
  • Revocable Living Trust

The “A Trust” also referred to as the

  • Marital Trust
  • Marital Deduction Trust
  • QTip Trust

The “B Trust” is also known as the

  • Family Trust
  • Bypass Trust
  • Credit Shelter Trust

In 2011, the Federal Estate Tax Exemption   was made transferrable between married couples.  Should one pass away in 2011 or after, their entire Federal Estate Tax Exemption is not needed to avoid Estate Taxes.

If you are on your second, third, or additional marriage and have different beneficiaries, it is in your best interest to explore the benefits of the AB Trust.

The AB Trust can only function if you secure them while both spouses are alive. Don’t put off securing this beneficial part of your estate and tax planning as once you become a widow or widower, it is too late.

Below is an example of how the AB Trust works to your benefit:

For more information on setting up an AB Trust as part of your Estate and Tax Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law to maximize your Federal Estate Tax savings upon your passing. Contact us today at 216-573-3723.

Medicaid Planning

Applying for Medicaid? Here’s What You Need to Know About Activities of Daily Living vs. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning and elder law attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers the following information on the definition of ADL’s and IADL’s and how to plan on Long Term Care as part of your Estate and Medicaid Plan: As we are all well aware, there is only one alternative to aging. If you are fortunate […]

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney

Grantor vs Non-Grantor Trusts

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on the differences between and Grantor and a Non-Grantor Trusts and further considerations to as part of your Tax and Estate Plan:

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Understanding tax benefits and pitfalls of a trust and putting together a trust which is most beneficial for your personal situation is best left to an experienced trust attorney who can explain the differences in trusts and customize your Estate Plan.

Consequently, understand that the term used; Grantor Trust and Non-Grantor Trust are important.  These terms mean very different things but are both associated with tax implications.

The Grantor is the party who establishes the trust and maintains control while living and mentally capable.

Some examples of Grantor Trusts

  • Revocable Living Trust
  • Dynasty Trust
  • Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT)
  • Spousal Access Trusts
  • The majority of Irrevocable Trusts
  • Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT or DIGIT)

When setting up your trust as part of your Estate Planning, tax planning is an integral part of each and every plan and is as individual as you are.

Planning for Tax implications

How is the trust going to be taxed? Does the American Tax Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) affect the taxes of your trust?  By setting up a Grantor Trust you can realize a number of tax advantages.  Some of these advantages are but not limited to:

  • Sell assets to the trust and not have to pay for the gains of the sale
  • Loan money to the trust – keeping in mind that the trust must pay the minimal IRS interest rate; however the income recognized from the interest is not taxable to you
  • The trusts income tax, paid by you (the Grantor), is not viewed as a gift to the trust

Plain and simple, the assets of the trust grows, which in turn benefits the beneficiaries without paying income tax. Essentially this is a tax free gift.

Non Grantor Trust

A Non-Grantor Trust is where the donor of the assets relinquishes all control within the trust. The donor of the trust funds is not a beneficiary or a trustee and has no input on how the funds are disbursed or controlled.  When the donor establishes a Non-Grantor Trust (aka irrevocable trust) they give up their rights to amend, revoke, or terminate the trust as this now becomes the functions of the trustee(s) either acting by themselves or with a Trust Protector.

Although the assets used to establish the trust were once owned by the donor, they are now owned by the trust. Any income being generated from the assets now is the sole responsibility of the trust.  As is with the Grantor Trust, any distribution to a beneficiary must now the proper IRS forms issued and provided to the recipient.

When a non-grantor trust is established it becomes a taxable entity and a Federal Employer Identification Number is issued. This also means that an income tax return needs to be filed on behalf of the trust each year.

Understanding tax benefits and pitfalls of a trust and putting together a trust which is most beneficial for your personal situation is best left to an attorney who can explain the differences in trusts and customize your Estate Plan. Contact Daniel A Baron of Baron Law Cleveland, Ohio at 1-216-573-3723.

Baron Law Estate Planning Attorney

Incorporating Long Term Care to Avoid Accidents and Falling

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning and elder law attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers the following information on Long Term Care and incorporating it into your Estate Planning:

Elder Care Attorney Cleveland Ohio

If you are over aged 65, a fall could leave you incapacitated or worse, it could be fatal. Having a Non-fatal fall could leave you unable to care for yourself for either a short period of time or a long period of time.  Should this happen, who is going to pay for your Long Term Care?

One in every three Americans falls each year. Falls for the elderly are the leading cause of non-fatal and fatal injuries for those aged 65 or older.

If you happen to fall you run the risk of:

  • Head Injuries
  • Broken Bones
  • Hip fractures
  • Significant loss of independence

If you should take a fall and you are over the age of 75 the chances of you being admitted to a skilled nursing facility are four times greater.

Even if you should fall and do not sustain a major injury, you become fearful of falling again and thus becoming less active. With this said, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of falling.

Information Source – National Council on Aging

Six steps to Reduce Your Risk of Falling

In order to help your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor follow these steps to reduce their risk of falling.

Enlist their support in taking simple steps to stay safe. For example:

  • Ask your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor if they have a concern about falling.
  • Although many older adults recognize the risk of falling exists, they do not believe it will happen to them, or if they fall they will not be hurt – even if they have fallen in the past.
  • A good place to start is by sharing NCOA’s “Debunking The Myths of Older Adult Falls”. If they show a concern about falling, dizziness, or balance suggest they discuss it with their Health Care provider who can assess their risk and suggest programs or services that could help

Discuss current health conditions

  • Ask your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor if they are experiencing problems managing their own health
  • Ask whether or not they are having trouble remembering to take their medications, or are they experiencing any side effects
  • Ask if it is getting more difficult for them to do things they used to do easily
  • Ask if they are taking advantage of ALL the preventative benefits now offered under Medicare such as the Annual Wellness visit. Encourage them to speak openly with their health care provider about ALL their concerns

Ask about their last eye checkup

  • If your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor wears glasses or contact lenses, make sure that their prescription is current and they are using their glasses or contact lenses as advised by their eye doctor
  • Keep in mind that wearing tint changes glasses or contact lenses can be hazardous when going from bright sun into darkened buildings and homes. A simple strategy is to change glasses upon the entry into a building OR stop until the tint has changed
  • Bifocals can also be problematic on stairs, so it is VERY important to be extra cautious on the stairs. For those already struggling with low vision, consult with a low-vision specialist for ways to make the most of their eyesight.

If you are noticing your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor is holding onto the walls, furniture or someone else while walking or if they have difficulty arising from a chair:

  • These are signs that it might be time to see a physical therapist
  • A trained physical therapist can help your loved one improve their balance, strength, and gait through exercise
  • They may also suggest that your loved one use a cane or walker. The physical therapist will also offer guidance on how to use these aids.  Make sure you heed their advice
  • Poorly fit aids can actually increase your risk of falling, so make sure that all aids are fitted correctly

Talk about their medications

  • If your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor is having difficulties managing their own medications or they are experience side effects, encourage them to discuss their concerns with their doctor or pharmacist
  • Suggest they review their medications each time they get a new prescription
  • Your loved one may find it useful to use a chart of some sort to keep track of their medications and their scheduling. Adding a time medication dispenser that can be refilled every week or month by a family member, friend or neighbor can promote peace of mind and ensure that medication is being taken as prescribed
  • Be aware if your aging loved one, friend, or neighbor is taking non-prescription medication that may contain sleep aids – including painkillers with “PM” in their names. These can contribute to balance issues and dizziness.  If your aging loved one is having sleeping difficulties encourage them to speak with their health care professional for different alternatives

Do a walk-through safety assessment of their home

There are many simple and inexpensive ways to make a home safer. For Professional Assistance, contact an Occupational Therapist.  Some examples for making your loved ones home safer:

  • Lighting: Increase lighting throughout the house especially at the top and bottom of stairs.  Ensure that lighting is readily available when they are getting up in the middle of the night
  • Stairs:  Make sure there are two secure railings on both sides of the staircase
  • Bathrooms:  Install Grab bars in the tub/shower area and near the toilet.  Make sure that grabs bars are installed in places where your loved one will be able to use them as intended.  Consider installing an ADA toilet which has a higher seat then standard toilets.  Perhaps having a shower chair would help as well as installing a hand held shower.

For more information on reviewing your goals for Long Term Care as part of your Estate Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law at 216-573-3723.

Baron Law

The Marital Deduction – What are the benefits?

Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney, Daniel A. Baron, offers information on The Marital Deduction as well as other Tax Planning Advice and what to make part of your Estate Planning.

What are the benefits?

The most important deduction a married couple has is the The Marital Deduction.  The amount of assets which can be passed upon death from one spouse to the other is unlimited and is also used to defer ALL estate taxes until the surviving spouse passes.  Current tax laws allow one spouse to give the other spouse assets where there is little to no tax imposed upon the transfer of these assets.  No matter what the value of the assets which are being transferred, whether it is $50,000 or $50,000,000.

What if there is a divorce?

If you happen to be divorced from your spouse, you can still pass assets to the ex-spouse after you pass with little or no tax being imposed if it is stated in the divorce decree.

My spouse is not a U.S. Citizen – Do the same tax laws apply?

The Marital Deduction is unlimited as long as both spouses are U.S. Citizens. So what happens when one of the spouses is not a US Citizen?

Should the first spouse to pass away be a U.S. Citizen and the surviving spouse a noncitizen of the U.S., unfortunately the unlimited marital deduction for Federal Estate Taxes is not available.

However, the taxes can be deferred by setting up a Qualified Domestic Trust (AKA QDOT), and having the assets pass through this specialized trust.

Should you own real property, consider adding this to the trust as the taxes will be deferred until the noncitizen spouse passes away.

For more information on The Marital Deduction and implementing other tax savings ideas as part of your Estate and Tax Planning, contact Daniel A. Baron of Baron Law to maximize tax savings upon your passing.  Contact us today at 216-573-3723.

cleveland, ohio attorney

Difference Between a Trustee and Executor Within a Testamentary Trust

Cleveland, Ohio Estate Planning Dan A. Baron Explains the Difference Between an Executor and Trustee:

Estate planning can be complicated and sometimes difficult to bear when charged with the responsibility as executor or trustee of an estate. If you have minor children, then you probably have set up some form of testamentary trust coupled with your will and power of attorney. Within these estate planning documents, there are designated executors and trustees that have been carefully selected to administer your estate after you pass. It’s important to talk with your executor and trustee and let them know their responsibilities after your’re gone. Below is a quick summary of the difference between executor and trustee of a testamentary trust.

The Executor’s responsibility is to liquidate or otherwise gather all estate assets, pay any outstanding bills and then transfer assets from the name of the decedent to the beneficiaries named in the Will (most often the decedent’s children). They also make any necessary filings with the court and attend any court hearings. Most Executor’s elect to use an attorney to help them with this so the process runs smoothly. Once all assets are in the name of the beneficiary, the Executor’s job is done. The complexity of the estate will determine how long the Executor is needed.

In comparison, a Trustee receives the assets from the Executor and then, with court approval, invests the trust assets in savings account, investment accounts, or whatever they deem appropriate. Most importantly, the Trustee manages the funds and makes distributions to the trust beneficiary (usually children) when needed (i.e. to pay school tuition, living expenses, doctor bills, etc.). Most clients set a maturity age of 25. When the children reach the age of 25, the trustee distributes the balance of the trust funds and that particular child’s trust is terminated. The Trustee will be required every two years to make reports to the court as to the value of the trust. As you can imagine, the length of time the Trustee will be needed will depend upon the age of the children.

If you would like to learn more about the responsibilities and an executor and trustee, or have questions, contact our office at 216-276-4282. You will speak directly with an Cleveland, Ohio estate planning attorney who can help you set up a trust, will, power of attorney, medicaid planning, and more. If you would like to attend one of our FREE seminars, please visit this link.