Advanced Directives and Your Estate Planning
What are Advanced Directives?
Advance directives are a set of documents where you are appointing another individual to make medical decisions on your behalf. Typically, we have in these documents a living will, HIPPA authorization, and then health care power of attorney.
How Are These Documents Used?
Living Will- A living, will not to be confused with the last will and testament, is used where you are telling the world that you do not want to be kept on life support in the event that you have little to no brain activity. Instead of leaving that decision on your loved ones, you’re making the decision for yourself that you don’t want to be kept artificially alive.
Healthcare Power of Attorney- The agent of your healthcare power of attorney can make decisions about your health, such as a risky surgery.
HIPPA Authorization- You are giving your loved ones or your agent the ability to obtain medical records as well as something as simple as attending a doctor’s meeting.
How Can You Obtain These Documents?
There are a few ways that you can obtain these documents. One way is through the Cleveland Clinic or Metro Health; any big hospital has standard forms that you can complete.
However, we recommend you discuss these options with an attorney so you can discuss what you want and make sure that is carried out in the right manner.
If you are unsure if you have these advanced directives in place, if you know you need these documents, or if you are putting together some estate planning, this is a really important step. Contact us today to get a free consultation or visit us online to learn more.